Temporary categorizations are valid until 31.12.2026.

Temporary categorizations are valid until 31.12.2026.

Temporary categorizations are valid until 31.12.2026.

Do you have a temporary categorization for renting out your vacation home in Croatia? Good news for all private renters who have temporary categorizations for providing accommodation services in their apartments and vacation homes.

At the end of 2024, the Act on Amendments to the Hospitality and Catering Act (Official NN 152/2024) was passed, extending the deadline for providing services based on temporary decisions until December 31, 2026.



Article 17

Hospitality providers, renters, and holders or members of family agricultural households who, on the day this Act comes into force, are engaged in hospitality activities or providing hospitality services based on temporary decisions under Article 25, paragraph 1, Article 34, paragraphs 4 and 5, and Article 39, paragraph 9, in connection with Article 34, paragraphs 4 and 5 of the Hospitality and Catering Act (Official Gazette Nos. 85/15, 121/16, 99/18, 25/19, 98/19, 32/20, 42/20, and 126/21), may continue to engage in hospitality activities or provide hospitality services based on the same temporary decisions, but no later than December 31, 2026."

Given the numerous challenges private renters face in legalizing their vacation homes and subsequently resolving land registry issues and registering ownership of their vacation homes, we welcome this decision by the competent ministry. This extension provides sufficient time for private renters and the relevant authorities to address these issues effectively.

For more information, see the Law Zakon o izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o ugostiteljskoj djelatnosti..pdf

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